Last Updated on 9 years by Sachin G

Here I was getting issue in installing IP messenger ( IPTUX )  in CentOs 7  through rpm , so I have install through compile through source package and showing installation steps for debian as well as linux based system . First I am going to explain what is IP Messenger .

What is IP Messenger ?

IP Messenger ( IPTUX)  is an pop up application to chat which  works within Local Area Network ( LAN) , It is available for multi platforms .This application works on TCP/IP (UDP ) and it  is not dependent on server machine means not required server setup.

Here are some points related to IP Messenger :

  • Server less IP Messenger.

  • Used for Chat and Fast file and folder transfer within LAN .

  • TCP / IP ( UDP ) based

Installation of  IP Messenger ( IPTUX )

Iptux is quite portable and it can be compile it from sources .

Here we are going to install packages , which will be needed on compilation of IP Messenger software and cloining of git repositories .Run below yum command for install libraries.

For CentOS , RHEL , Fedora :

# yum install  gtk2-devel  automake  git gcc-c++ make autoconf GConf2-devel  libtool

For Ubuntu or Debian based system :

Here i am assuming you are running below commands from root user othwise use sudo before execute the command.

#apt-get install git  automake libgconf2-dev  autoconf libgtk2.0-dev g++ make libtool

Here  I am doing through git clone method because it worked for me .Run the below command for clone the git repositories.

#git clone git://

After run the git clone , iptux directory will be clone on the path.Go to the iptux directory.

#cd iptux

Run the below command with root privilege for compilation and build.



# make install

After the compilation of iptux , you can run the application through below command.
